I've been pretty bored, lol. I have so many plans for things I'm going to start doing regularly, to make the time pass by more quickly. It stinks though, because most places are closed for the holidays, so I have to wait until after New Years to really start anything.
Maybe I'll finally start writing on here regularly to pass the time as well. Who reads this anyways? Haha... I can just make it my online public diary;).
We've recently taken on a fourth dog. We have our two mutts, Jack and Bella. Then my parents moved to Italy and we took on one of their three chihuahuas. Then my husband's parents moved to Korea, and after a complicated situation, we took on their 9 year old rottweiler. The chihuahua is a short term situation, because my brother would like to have him back as soon as possible. We could have the rottweiler for 3 years. It's fine, though, because they've had him almost all of his life and I'd hate to see him re-homed or put down. And he is such a good dog, very low maintenance, lol.
Anyways, not much else has really been going on... but I'm so ready for the holidays to be over with! Bring on 2010!