Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm feeling pretty good today.**

I don't know how to explain it, nothing big has made me feel this way, but just a bunch of little things have made this day great so far.

I woke up this morning to play with my beautiful, smiling baby. Brushed my teeth & made my bed.

Took McKaleigh out to eat her breakfast, which she ate like a champ:).

I weighed myself on the wii fit for the first time in almost a month and a half. I was pleasantly surprised that, in spite of totally slacking in the area of working out these last couple of weeks, I had only gained 1.5 pounds. I was expecting a much larger number than that, lol.

I ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast and then McKaleigh and I hung out for a little bit, until she fell asleep sitting in my lap (one of the cutest things ever.)

McKaleigh was in such a good mood that I figured I'd give working out a try. I sat her in her pink chair, with some toys, and she kept herself entertained throughout my entire workout! Not a single whine or tear. That never happens!

After my workout I started cooking an actual (not microwaveable) meal for Michael and myself. Normally neither of us are full after lunch, so it was nice to have a real meal for once.

Michael came home while I was feeding McKaleigh her veggies. He finished feeding her, so I could concentrate on our meal. What a sweet and helpful husband I have.

We've also decided that we are going to start taking advantage of all the amazing history we have in the area we live in. It was a hard decision, but this weekend we'll be going to the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum in Pooler. The second option was a Maritime Museum in Savannah. We figured we could go to that one at a later date. It's a much smaller museum, so we want to plan other things to do on the day we go.

I love that I have such an intelligent husband who enjoys things like history and museums. It's hard to find someone you can enjoy these things with:).

Well it's time for my munchkin's afternoon nap. I'm off to do more things around the house that will make me even happier. I hope everyone else is having a wonderful day, as well.


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