Saturday, January 5, 2013

Resolutions in action

To attempt to keep things straight I'm going to post about my resolutions, what I've done so far and try to make some plans to get things done.

Seasonal goals: I have to sort through clothes and examine spending. We have a trip to the science center planned for this month. I already bought a new outfit for winter. And my fitness focus for this season is going to be my core and yoga.

Monthly goals: Instead of focusing on one room, I'm focusing on the Organizing Revolution Challenge.  I still have to find a special activity to do in town. Haven't blogged about fitness or health, but I think I will save that for closer to the end of the month. I'm planning on journaling tonight, once I get Matilda to sleep. And I've been keeping up with the budget, but need to take another look at it.

Weekly goals: McKaleigh and I spent New Years Eve together, just the two of us; we also went to Office Max together. I updated the schedule in my home management binder today. I did not plan out meals or workouts this past week, but I have time set aside to do it tomorrow night, for next week. I haven't hooped, and I haven't talked to my husband about finances.

I think I need to come up with some sort of checklist to make this easier to keep track of!

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