A few weeks ago I started a membership at the local rec center and I'm loving it so far! I've been going anywhere from three to five times a week, even with having an awful cold. I'm really proud of myself, but also really enjoying myself with the time spent there. Daycare is offered free with membership, so I only go during the daycare hours and the girls love it! McKaleigh actually hides when I come because she doesn't want to leave, lol. It's not so bad now that we've gone regularly for the last 2-3 weeks, so she realizes that we are going to come back and doesn't get as mad about leaving.
I've been going to a class on Monday and Wednesday, Monday is an aerobic interval class and Wednesday is a step class. They're with the same instructor and I really enjoy her classes. She doesn't care if I have to modify something because of being pregnant, and she also doesn't care if I show up late, which is big for me since I never know when the girls will throw a wrench in our getting ready routine! Then on Tuesday, Thursday, and/or Friday I go work out in the nautilus room, usually spending most of my time on the recumbent bike or the elliptical, and then doing a little bit of work on the core and oblique machines and some exercises with (very light) hand weights.
It's so nice to be able to do my cardio at the rec. I was running on the treadmill here at the house, but it just kills my hips, so the low impact machines are awesome. Plus getting the girls out of the house a few days a week is good for them and for me.
Also, I've found that when I can't make it to the gym, I'm more likely to do a workout at home. It's like I feel guilty that I can't get to the gym, so I make sure to do something. I have an awesome pre-natal pilates workout that I like to do when I don't make it to the gym. I've also been practicing yoga pretty much daily! Working out so much gets my whole body pretty tight so it makes me just sort of crave a good yoga sequence. I use videos off of yogajournal.com, usually something by Jason Crandell, I love his sequences. I do an evening relaxation sequence almost every night before bed, and then a few mornings a week I'll do another sequence. I try to vary it up, which is why I love using yogajournal.com, because there are so many options!
I do have to say that I really really miss running. I can't wait to get back into running as soon as I've recovered post partum. The other day it was all crappy and rainy out and I still saw so many people out running, and I was jealous! I was thinking "I wish I was so dedicated to running that I would go out no matter the weather conditions." And the truth is, I think I am that dedicated, I crave a good run some days. I just am not physically able to run right now without being in severe pain afterwards. That makes me really sad, because there's something about running that I just don't get from all of the other workouts I'm doing. There's something about running a mile a little faster this week than you did last week. And then there's the feeling you get when you run a little farther than you've ever ran before.
Sometimes I wonder if I just did too much, too fast, and that's why it hurt my hips so badly. I'm tempted to go get some new running shoes and start Couch to 5k all over again. Perhaps the slower start will help reduce all the soreness I was feeling. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but I will keep you updated :).
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